ACID cigars are among the most popular category of cigars. They offer aromatic and herbal flavor. They are expressed in four different cigar lines. Some of the popular lines are:
Every cigar within the ACID family is known for letting smokers have a one-of-a-kind smoking experience. Besides, they have their own shape, strength, and even wrapper that make them look different.
The manufacturing process may seem to be a bit difficult. It includes the following steps:
All these activities create a blend of floral, creamy and rich flavors. The rich flavor has made ACID cigars popular for new and experienced cigar lovers. The aromas in these cigars are due to a particular type of mixture that is carefully chosen for each blend from as many as 150 herbal and botanical essences.
Many brands have tried to replicate the Acid blend, but in vain. The secret to the uniqueness of the cigars has never been discovered. And, they never tend to reveal it.
Furthermore, other than the mainline Acid cigars, you can also find the Subculture selections. These are the vital form of art and craft. These subculture cigars have limited edition so are made especially for selected retailers. As a consequence, you can’t find two Subculture cigars the same. The prices of these custom-blended, small batch cigars are reasonable too.
Some of the most popular Acid Cigars are the following:
If you want to buy any of the products mentioned above, you can buy them online. Many websites are offering different types of cigars online. The benefits of online purchase are that you can get the products right at your door. You need not rush from one store to another to look for your most favorite brands. Many famous online stores offer cigars of most renowned brands such as 3 Reynas, 4 x 4, 4th Generation, 5 Vegas, 5 Vegas Classic, Bugatti, Calderilla, Cain, and many others.
The best part is that when you buy cigars online, you can get several discounts and offers.